Happy World Wildlife Day


Today is the first world wildlife day.  So much of what I have seen on social media has been “save the rhino,” “stop illegal whaling,” “look at this adorable panda.”  I am ok with it.  I love nature, animals, being able to breathe, clean water…  these are all important things. 

So since we had (another) snow day today, and I enjoyed two full hours of post-bath puppy cuddles, I am feeling rather inclined to share the awesomeness of the animal kingdom.

Please enjoy the following videos.  Some are cute.  Some are funny.  Some ask you to help.  But they’re all adorable.  

  1. I watched this on loop…  literally…  laughing so hard I cried.
  2. ****This is amazing and I am totally jealous.  If I could do this and expose my children to this, I would.  Mom, why didn’t you move us to Africa?
  3. We evolved from this.  I am not surprised, considering my boyfriend. 
  4. And because I shamelessly love penguins, no list of adorable wildlife could be complete without…

Also, just for good measure:


Top 10 favorite animals, in no particular order

  • penguins
  • koalas
  • pandas
  • my puppy, Bella
  • dragons
  • sloths
  • whales
  • now…  lions
  • baby anythings
  • all puppies

Please feel free to share your favorite animals.  No reasons required.  The fluffier then better. 

I will leave you with this….  Our Comcast box went out last night.  It will take them 5 days to get to us.  **sigh.